A monthly salary of 2,300? What's so good about such a crappy class?

A friend of mine in my hometown is a teacher. He said that his salary is 2,300!


He complained: I heard that the 2,300 will be delayed due to financial difficulties!

He just passed the exam for two or three years. There is a performance bonus that is paid at the end of the year, which is more than 3,000 a month.

I said that you have to spend hundreds of gas every month, and you have a girlfriend. How do you spend it?

He said: So I get angry every time my girlfriend asks me to prepare gifts. I don't have money for this festival or that festival.

Well, it's all right, but the money is too little.

1 million, in the currency circle, you can easily make 100,000 to 300,000 a year (USDT current account or USDE deposit, you can also buy PT, the annual profit may be 500,000 to 700,000, and Binance's new listing is also very cool).

After working for a year, you only earn more than 30,000, and you have to be managed by others.

If you study for more than 10 years, pass the college entrance examination, and come out with such a small salary, this is too boring, right?

So, suddenly I have a feeling that life and investment are the same.

In terms of investment, I say "go fishing where there are many fish". Don't play with some public chains that have no money and no traffic. The memes on them are all takeovers.

Life is the same. Don't go to the track and industry where there is no money and no development. I heard that it is not easy to take the teacher exam. You also need to read books and there is a little competition.

However, the most difficult thing in life is the first pot of gold - when there is no first pot of gold, you are timid and dare not take the opportunity when it comes, so you keep missing it. After all, money is people's courage.

Life is not easy. I hope that everyone who sees this post will change their fate in this round of bull market and buy the wealth code!

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