The halving in seven days is in full view of everyone. Today's big drop, I believe everyone has seen it, from 71,000 to 65,000, which directly crushed the confidence of the bulls. It is terrible. I can clearly say that this year is definitely a bull market and it will be very strong. I have experienced the 10,000 points in the previous hour and the current 6,000 points in the hour. I am also present. I can only say that the drop is not fierce enough and not fierce enough, making the market feel that there is still room for release below, and some people will continue to short.

First, the CPI is rare and negative, and then today's dive may be related to the war abroad, but I personally think it is still a test

Our Duodan has entered the market, and this wave of pins is the time to regain confidence #比特币减半 #CPI数据 #大盘走势 #非农数据