The market is still in a volatile stage. Before the release of CPI data, everyone had expectations, that is, hawkish, so there will be a pullback before the news is released, and there will be a rebound after the news is over.

After multiple pullbacks, the price of the big cake still remains at a high point. Every time the cottage adjusts and pauses, the overall position is adjusted downward, but recently, the pullback of the cottage has also reached a relatively consensus position. This position is the relatively worst position for the expected mid-term pullback in the bull market. Even if the big cake continues to fluctuate, the cottage will continue to lower the low point, but the rebound strength will become very fierce.

This is the expectation for the future cottage. However, regardless of whether the expectation is a pullback, this is a staged high point in the bull market, but it is a low point to look back at in the middle and late stages of the bull market. Multiple pullbacks can definitely be regarded as strategic pullbacks, routines, and not a true portrayal of this market.

It is obvious that after several rounds of washouts and shocks in the big cake, the volume of long leverage is smaller and smaller. After the contract position has experienced the last round of historical highs, the bulls have lost their previous arrogance. It has always been said that in the bull market cycle, the decline is uncertain, but the rise is certain.

The big cycle of the bull market is a process of continuous bullishness. When the peak signal appears, it is time to ship in batches and run away.

If it is a downward cycle, qun Jiawei 362014583 can be bearish in stages, but I will never go short.

The market will not move in the direction we imagine, and there are endless scams and fake falls.

When the market is not good, stay away from it and return to life, go and see the outside world. After a short adjustment, when we return to the market, we will find that the market is waving to us at a new high.

Regarding the view after the forecast of the decline, it is expected that the bottom will fall below 66,000 points, and then with the arrival of the halving of the big cake, the market will collectively break through the existing high, and the market that falls below 6w basically does not exist!

Regarding bottom-fishing, don't hesitate when the bull market pulls back, the liver is over!