Junyao's evening analysis and suggestions

The intraday trend of the big cake is in consolidation and repair. The overall short-term trend is bullish. After a short-term rise, the 4H retreated and the intensity slowed down. Although the daily line has declined, it is still bullish on the whole. The weekly line has gone out of the positive line repair state. The current direction of the technical indicators has room for further rise after short-term consolidation and repair.

There are still 8 days before BTC production cuts. The period of production cuts is also an opportunity for BTC to hit a new high again. Recently, the mainstream currencies are basically linked to the overall market trend. Several individual currencies have also completed the rebound recently. Next, it mainly depends on whether the trend of Bitcoin can continue to rise after consolidation. However, I personally think that after the consolidation this week, the probability of Bitcoin continuing to rise next week is still relatively high. However, if it cannot break through the key position of 73,000 US dollars after this consolidation, the trend in the second half of April will still be dominated by shock callbacks.

The short-term trend direction is disclosed every day. If you can't open Dan well and run short-term, you need to understand 🍑~ Welcome to find Junyao in the currency circle on Weibo↑🚗. #大盘走势