1. Hong Kong announced that it will issue Bitcoin spot ETFs. In the future, you can legally buy coins by opening a Hong Kong stock account. A large amount of money in Hong Kong can come in to take over. Meituan and Tencent can hold Bitcoin through Bitcoin ETFs. This is a huge capital flow. In the future, there will probably be only four stocks left in Hong Kong stocks, Bitcoin ETF, Ethereum ETF, Tencent, and Meituan. Other penny stocks with low daily trading volume and no one wants them have been sucked dry.

2. Last night, the Federal Reserve announced the CPI for March, 3.5%, which exceeded expectations. The US stock market fell sharply and also collapsed the cryptocurrency market. The Federal Reserve hopes to control inflation to less than 2%. Slowly compile data and cut interest rates in the second half of the year. However, interest rate cuts are inevitable, it's just a matter of time. The market fell first and then rose, and the US stock market and the cryptocurrency market both rose. Funds are smart. Everyone knows that the Federal Reserve's maintenance of high interest rates is just hard talk, and interest rate cuts are the ultimate way out. They say no, but their bodies are still very honest.

3. The US dollar index is still high, but BTC, ETH, and BNB have actually risen a lot. When the Fed cuts interest rates in the second half of the year, the US dollar index will fall, and the US dollar will enter a depreciation channel, and the cryptocurrency market will take off.

4. BNB has risen a lot, and the new mining round is probably on the way.


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