$LUNA 4.11 is for reference only, you are responsible for your profits and losses, don’t bully, you are right if you bully👌

For the same target, some people make money and others lose money. I said luna is my lucky coin. I am really not lying. I started doing swings at 1.1, and then continued to do swings when it fell to 0.88-0.8. Even now, I still hold positions. it. Because my style is to focus on small accounts, the overall profit is okay, but it takes too much time and eyesight to keep track of the market. Many times I feel like my eyes are almost blind. When I look at everyone, I see circles of letters and numbers. Every time When I said that Luna could get on the bus, some people commented that Luna was rubbish. I felt that these people were either under contract or standing guard in high positions, and they did not agree with each other.

My previous post said that some people have a sense of superiority by speculating on coins. A lot of people below scolded me for being unable to wake up, saying that Xu Moumou’s two trillion was dripping, and that my name was “I”. "SAW IT" is in English. I have responded to those weird comments one by one. I can't help it🤷‍♂️, it's just such a bad temper. When I came up with the name, I had just watched the movie "The Secret" by Hui Yinghong, Xu Guanghan and Zhang Junning, and I felt that this name had a God's perspective and was suitable for pretense 😂

Now let’s change it, text is the most romantic way of communication. The bastards in the currency circle mainly want to listen to advice. If you argue, you are the right one.