The significance of our efforts lies in expanding the right to choose, not being forced to choose anyone because of money, nor leaving anyone because of money. We cannot spur others on for money. Although the process of pursuing progress is full of hardships, only after experiencing these hardships can we stand on a higher peak. Looking back at today's overall air situation, the morning to afternoon period is a narrow range of fluctuations around the 68500-69500 ​​range, and our long and short positions are also accurate. In the evening, the price ratio was affected by the news and went down. After the lowest point reached 67500, the bulls began to rebound. We also followed the trend to place orange and short Dan in the evening. At present, the short Dan is still in the holding. During the day, we placed 4 long Dan and 2 short Dan in Orange Cake, a total of more than 4080 points, and Auntie Space placed 4 long Dan and 2 short Dan in Orange, a total of more than 330 points.

From the overall structure, the short position seems to have occupied the main theme of the past two days in the small cycle. After the high of 72890, it did not achieve a certain continuation. Instead, the overall trend was slow downward. After the bottoming out and rebound at night, it is still in a battle between longs and shorts. Although the bulls rebounded after the correction, we can see that the strength and continuity of the rebound are lacking. In addition, under the influence of CPI news, the rebound is only temporary, and the shorts are still dominant. We will continue to arrange oranges around the shorts.

Big cake is directly short around 69300-69600, and it looks down to 67000

Auntie is directly short around 3500-3520, and it looks down to 3380#比特币减半 #大盘走势