The inflation data was released, and the result was higher than the previous value and expectations.

I have to say that when I looked at the expectations for the CPI data last night, it was still hovering around 3.0. I didn't expect that today's expectations jumped to 3.4, and the value announced was 3.5, which was really a bit surprising.

Once this data came out, the risk market was a bit uncomfortable.

However, I have to say my opinion first. Although the CPI data is bearish, the inflation pressure in the United States is still there, so it seems that we have to wait for the interest rate cut.

However, the CPI data is only an indicator of inflation. The Federal Reserve actually pays more attention to the PCE data, which is more realistic.

I think that the interest rate cut may really come. The Federal Reserve may first use the CPI data to cool down the market, so that everyone thinks that they will not cut interest rates for the time being, and then when the PCE data is released, it may be similar to the previous value, so that it can prove that their work on reducing inflation is still effective.

If we follow this line of thought, the series of actions taken by the Federal Reserve may be to prepare for a rate cut. Although there is no conclusive evidence, from this point of view, they may want to mislead the market first, and then launch a surprise attack when everyone's expectations for interest rate cuts are at their lowest.

For the risk market, the good thing of interest rate cuts may have to wait, but everyone has to quickly adapt to the days of high interest rates. Once the bad news comes out, market sentiment is expected to rebound.

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