Key core content: Bull market needs Ponzi, retail investors need Ponzi even more!

1. There are two types of things that are easiest to pull in the bull market:

One is market demand:

Core: Product Ponzi mechanism

Create a product (can be finance, games, etc.), add a flywheel, such as ena luna stable calculation, such as the previous gmt, axs gold, etc.

One is user demand:

Core: emotional Ponzi mechanism

Such as inscriptions, such as traditional MEME coins, etc., users are self-driven, pure emotional transmission.

Both of these will eventually make retail investors feel the excitement of pulling the market under the emotional FOMO

2. Flywheel (Ponzi) mechanism projects with strong wealth effect must have the following points:

1. First of all, you must go to the head big exchange

This is the foundation. Many projects with Ponzi mechanisms have been very exciting on the chain before, but the time is short, the depth is poor, there is no traffic effect, and they have not continued, and no resonance has been formed in the circle. Like the above mentioned axs, luna, gmt, axs, sand, etc., they are all top CEXs that started from the second level.

2. There must be a grand narrative or track market value ceiling (business market volume expectations)

For example, sand, the hot metaverse at the time, hyped the next dimension of the Internet, the track leader, coupled with token empowerment and other mechanisms, only then can there be hundreds of times of market conditions.

Luna, gmt (compared with keep at the time), axs (project income compared with the king) are all income-type Ponzi schemes, with the same logic, and all belong to the expectations of track market value ceiling.

3. With the Ponzi mechanism as the core, understand marketing and traffic operations. Whether you are a product Ponzi or an emotional Ponzi, you must finally form an emotional consensus! Only in this way can a larger bull market bubble be created and a large enough wealth effect be achieved.

Therefore, the various projects that emerge in the bull market must make you feel awesome from various angles (background, product mechanism, economic model), and only in this way can you grab traffic. So don’t think that the project is awesome, but the bull market is awesome!

In a bull market, no matter how deeply you analyze a project, it is useless. It is just what the project owner wants to show! There is a difference between theory and practice, but what is the same is expectation.

You have understood the above points. If you encounter such projects in a bull market, don't hesitate and buy them with your eyes closed! Enjoy the bull market bubble!

Finally, I hope that there will be more and more Ponzi schemes like ENA, LUNA, and GMT, so that wealth can be retained in the bull market and risks can be handed over to the bear market!

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