Position strategy—add when the price drops, look sideways, and sell when the price is bullish

Many people do not understand the logic of never filling up the position and never leaving the position empty.

Why never fill up the position? Have you ever thought about how to pull down the average price if there is a big drop or a black swan? Wouldn’t you be so angry?

Someone else said, what if there is a big rise? If you didn’t buy all of them, wouldn’t you make money? You are ignorant. . . It is a bull market now, and you are saying this

What if there is a big rise, don’t you have a position, and you also make money? So greedy, aren’t you courting death?

Being able to attack when advancing and defend when retreating is the kingly way. Don’t tell me that someone can give birth to a child after practicing the Sunflower Manual, and don’t tell me that eunuchs can also be fathers. Sorry, I don’t believe it.

Jiaoliuqun+WeChat: 2758624303Why is it said that hoarding coins requires a system?

Because a complete system is enough for you to deal with various situations in the currency circle, instead of hitting the east with a hammer and the west with a stick, and finally playing yourself to death, and blaming the sickle for being too cruel. #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme #WIF