Can ENA be chased? From the structure of ENA, it is very strong and oscillates upward to a new high!

Can it be chased, can it be chased, and how to chase it. The last time I chased high and bought, it was the support structure of 1.06. If it does not break 0.9, I will continue to play. The current structure is supported by 1.19. If it does not break 1.1, it can be played. ENA is not recommended to be too aggressive. There is not a good entry position. If you want to buy, play with a small position and bet on the big pattern space. The ecology is very good and the team is rich. ​​​​

*The above is not an investment advice

Again, if you come to me, I can take you ashore. You just lie down. Fans who deduct 8 in the comment area, I will take you to the village for free. Old fans know what the strength is. If you don’t know, you can follow me to see the strength! #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #ENA #新币挖矿