Head exchanges usually have a dedicated risk control department to take measures to manage risky accounts. The following are the types of accounts that exchanges may freeze:

1. Accounts that only make purchases but do not sell daily, and withdraw money immediately after purchase.

2. Accounts that have no virtual currency trading assets but frequently recharge and sell virtual currency.

3. The source of funds is unknown, resulting in virtual currency dealers freezing accounts and being reported many times.

4. Virtual currency dealers have not paid in real name and have been reported many times by customers.

5. Account assets are frozen by judicial institutions and exchanges receive letters of assistance.

6. Account assets are abnormally large, usually fraudulent behavior of small exchanges, which directly endangers customer assets.

7. Accounts receive virtual currencies from illegal sources, and the illegal sources are not because of legal cases, but to recover losses, such as hacker attacks or fraud.

8. Behaviors that use high-tech means to infringe on the interests of exchanges, such as manipulating the market, taking advantage of exchange promotions, etc.

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