4.10 Bitcoin/Ethereum Market Analysis

Yesterday, Bitcoin and Ethereum had two consecutive short orders, all exceeding expectations. The current market has risen again. As of now, Bitcoin is around 69,500 again, and Ethereum is around 3,550. Yesterday, during the decline, it also directly broke the support. In the future, we need to pay attention to the suppression of the upper 70,000 line, and the support below 68,000 remains unchanged. Ethereum needs to pay attention to the suppression of the upper 3,600 to 3,630, and the support below 3,450.

In terms of intraday operations, short orders for Bitcoin near 69,700 to 70,000 continue to enter the market, with a target of around 68,500, and short orders for Ethereum near 3,570 to 3,600 enter the market, with a target of around 3,500, and defend 70,500 and 3,630. #新币挖矿 #BTC #ETH