Here are some reasons why Dogecoin could be worth $100 in the future:

1. Popularity: Dogecoin has a huge user base and fan base, making it one of the most famous and popular digital assets. This popularity may attract even more investors and contribute to the rise in the value of the coin.

2. Charity and support: Dogecoin is actively used for charitable purposes and supporting various initiatives. This increases the credibility of the coin and can lead to an increase in its value.

3. Innovation: The Dogecoin development team is constantly working on new features and improvements that can make the coin more attractive to investors. For example, it recently announced the development of its own platform for decentralized applications.

4. Limited supply: This means that the number of coins is limited, which can help their value increase in the long term.

5. Adoption: Dogecoin is already being used by some companies and organizations, which could lead to even greater adoption of the coin and increase its value.