I bought $sgoat and started making money, hahaha 😁

The following is my thinking process. There are not many people who can share ideas with you. Remember to click three times in one click, like 🩷 + forward 📎 + follow 🎯, thank you!

$FTM @AndreCronjeTech @theFantomgoat


I talked to my friends about some ideas about the FTM ecosystem before, and I also mentioned $sGOAT. The price was 0.4 at that time, but I didn’t buy it immediately because I was in my hometown.

A few days ago, AC said that he wanted to study #meme. After $sGOAT rose 60% that day, I still bought it at the market price of $0.63. Why is that?

Because the script went in the direction I expected, and I have to pay for my cognition through practice, whether it is right or wrong; the following are some of my thoughts: 👇


Some time ago, I saw many foreign bloggers mention the FTM ecosystem, with the background of FTM's sonic upgrade, and then AC, who had retired from the circle, also returned to Twitter and was active. AC's influence is needless to say, defi og, basically one of the most influential people, so the above conditions constitute my judgment that the FTM ecosystem will rise. The solana recovery was also like this before. The reality is that foreigners pay attention to it first, one step faster than Chinese people, and Chinese people also buy into this. It has become a criterion for judging that places with low Chinese people have underestimated opportunities.

Then the FTM ecosystem needs to rise, and it needs to attract attention/funds/traffic. The myth of wealth creation is very important, so the most direct way is to support a product, just like a brand needs to launch a hit product to become popular, and the same is true for the chain. What are the best products that can be launched: one is MEME; the other is IDO to create a 100-fold project.

According to the bull market this year, AI has pulled meme, and meme has been popular for a long time. Moreover, this round of meme has left a different impression on some institutions and some project parties. Many projects are recruiting meme products. Therefore, meme is a good way to open. Currently, there is only sGOAT on FTM. AC has two choices. One is to directly support sgoat to become the leader of FTM meme, and the other is to directly support a new meme. The best way is to get on sgoat first, and then keep an eye on whether AC will launch a new meme, and then judge from other situations of sgoat. Many people actually didn’t make much money, which I think is a good thing. If it is a project where many people make money, it will not be underestimated.

The above are some potential positive points. Let's talk about the shortcomings of FTM. FTM has no ecosystem and is very weak. It didn't perform well in the last bull market, unlike Solana, which was very strong in the last round, and the ecosystem is prosperous, so the recovery is naturally fast.

Another thing is that SGOAT's market value is not bad, about 18 million, with more than 8,000 currency addresses. The project party seems to have some connection with AC. Buying a project is to look at the profit and loss ratio. If there are more positive situations than negative situations, then get on board, practice to test ideas, and pay for cognition!

$BNB #sonic #Meme板块火热,你最关注哪些meme币种