[Market Observation - April 9]

The recent market is quite boring.

It is not weak enough to say it is weak, and it will not fall too much before it will rise; it is not strong enough to say it is strong, and it has been slow to make a new high.

Compared with the wave more than ten days ago and in late March, this wave of big cake rebounds has a feature that the performance of cottage is weaker. The principle behind this is that the market lacks confidence, and people dare not bet heavily on cottages. For the purpose of risk aversion, funds flow back to big cake and concubines.

But on the other hand, since this round of bull market, there has been no deep correction, and the wash is not sufficient. Even big cake and ether are too heavy, and it is difficult to rise.

In general, the risk-return coin of medium and long-term investment in big cake above 70,000 is not very high. In terms of operation, I will choose the opportunity to withdraw some positions today and tomorrow to avoid risks.

As for new positions, some small orders have been opened in the past two days, but I will not place heavy positions.

Technically, big cake can be divided by the low point of 6.95w just adjusted, looking up online and looking down offline.

The pressure above is 7.12w, 7.28w, and 7.35w.