According to official news, Injective Grant DAO has completed the first round of quadratic funding voting on the global geek sports platform on April 9th, Beijing time, with 2,247 Injective community members participating in the donation. From now on, it will enter a four-day grace period, during which the platform will conduct closed-source analysis of the on-chain donation data to detect Sybil attacks.

After the grace period, all valid addresses participating in the vote will share 1,000,000 QUNT voting incentives, and one lucky voting address will also receive NINJA NFT. The QUNT reward distribution rules are as follows: users who voted before the QUNT community voting reward plan was announced will share 50% of the QUNT, while other voting users will share the remaining 50% of the reward.

Injective Grant DAO provides long-term funding for emerging BUIDL and hackathon teams in the Injective ecosystem. The final allocation of this round of quadratic matching bonus pool will be determined by community voting and due diligence results of shortlisted projects. #SecureChainAI