Today's market has really fallen to the point where you don't want to believe it, and it's hard to believe when it rebounds!

It's such an exciting fluctuation!

Dabai recommended two contract codes yesterday, $GALA $PERP , all of them got meat!

Gala got more than doubled, and pepr got more than doubled

The rise is very fast, and the fall is also very fast, so you need to grasp the right opportunity!

Two one-on-one old friends, one went from 5k to 4w in a month, and from 3k to 1.2w in about a month and a half

VIP's previous winning streak, plus the recent eight consecutive wins! Plus the one-on-one password!

This is a changing and multi-tested market, and it can be said that it is too difficult for retail investors

Pay attention to Dabai's latest developments in a timely manner, and keep up with the one-on-one as soon as possible!

In short, opportunities need to be seized, and the perspective can lead the attention of retail investors, which is always a necessary skill for hyping the bull market rotation!

#大盘走势 #gala #PERP