Academician of the Currency Circle: 2024.4.9 Bitcoin (BTC) Latest Market Analysis Reference

As of press time, the current price of Bitcoin is around 71450, which is near the flat point of the opening and closing prices of the weekly line for three consecutive weeks. Therefore, the overall trend is affected by the stretch of the market yesterday. Today's market is likely to be repaired sideways (the market's greed has increased). The overall trend of the weekly line seems to be strong in the bulls, but it is actually standing in a false position (large-scale wash-outs may occur at any time). You must develop the habit of taking stop losses to prevent being washed out.

The highest point of the daily K-line yesterday was around 72850, which is 1,000 points away from the historical highest point of 73850. EM A trend indicator once again stands at a high level with strong bullish momentum, KDJ spreads upward, MACD shrinks and rises, the main force shrinks and increases funds for five consecutive days, DIF (1335) and DEA (1385) close at high levels, yesterday's K-line hit the upper rail pressure level of the Bollinger Band at 72800, causing the upper rail of the Bollinger Band to continue to rise to the current 73200, the daily K-line opened at 71650 today, and it is currently expected to consolidate around 71000 after opening high and moving low.

Let's look at the current market trend in the four-hour period, the K-line is too far away from the EMA trend line indicator, the current price is 71450, and the EMA trend indicator 10 is 70800, and it is expected that the K-line will The line will step back to this standing point, KDJ will spread downward like a dead cross, and there is about 500 points of space in the short term to catch a wave, remember to put the bag, MACD volume begins to weaken, the main force does not continue to increase the funds, then without the main force to increase the funds, the K line will not explode in the short term, and sideways repair is the norm. The Bollinger band opens and returns to the upper rail. The upper rail pressure is 71500, and the middle rail support is 69600. The specific ideas are as follows:


Steady first distance pressure support makes a little adjustment and deviation,

The first buying point for long: 71000, the second buying point is 70500, stop loss 70000,

The first entry point for short selling is 71800, the second entry point is 72400, and the stop loss point is 72800

(If it hits yesterday's high again, it is very likely to hit the historical high)


Specific operations are based on real-time data of the market. For more information, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestion is for reference only and the risk is borne by the owner. $BTC $ETH $BNB #BTC、 #大盘走势 #热门内容 #热门推荐 #比特币预测