Biswap has introduced the concept of a new locking mechanism to ensure the stable value of its own token and create its own liquidity of $BSW - $USDT. 99% of the share of the $BSW issue will be allocated to the investment pool and 1% to the classic pool.

Users will have 4 options for the locking period of $BSW tokens: 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. During the locking periods, users will receive the following rewards:

- $BSW depends on the APR according to the lock period.

- $vBSW — represents the right to vote. The accrual of $vBSW depends on the number of $BSW placed in the investment pool and the specific multiplier corresponding to the selected blocking period.

- $oBSW depends on the share of the user's deposit relative to other blocked $BSW in the investment pool, which can be used as a 30% discount to buy $BSW for $USDT, or to be staked to receive $USDT.

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