Don't gamble when investing. No one can predict the short-term trend. Don't go short just because of some concerns about the future. You are wasting the bull market. Who says the market will continue to fall?

The 4h volume penetrates the supply area that could not be broken through in the previous three times, which means that the supply below 71,500 has been absorbed in the current market.

Considering the overall rise in the current funding rate, there may be a relatively fast callback (long needle) in the short term to clear the high-multiple long liquidity.

The more concentrated long liquidity magnetic area below the market is at 71,300.

Of course, these liquidity will not be a big deal after the opening of the US stock market.

To take a step back, even if it falls, will you really buy the bottom?

No, you will think that it will fall further, you will think beautifully, and then watch the market fall back and then rise, and miss the last opportunity to enter the market!

When we invest in a bull market, the most important thing is the end point. The starting point and the middle process may be very tortuous, but the end point must be beautiful.