Will Bitcoin halving in April usher in a big drop?

During this period, the market has been "dawdling". It has been almost 20 days since March 20. I remember when Bitcoin fell to 60,000, I told everyone that the market was going to enter a period of volatility.

At that time, many friends were waiting for a big drop. As a result, the market had another correction a few days ago, and those altcoins and sub-mainstreams also fell, which made everyone panic.

But to be honest, the market has been fluctuating during this period. Since March 20, the market has been looking for a direction, and it has been fluctuating until now.

Do you know that the market has three trends: up, down, and consolidation. Look at the 4-hour and daily charts, most of the time it is consolidation. It's like playing basketball, sometimes attacking, sometimes defending, and consolidation means the market is resting and accumulating strength.

The consolidation period is really exhausting. Watching the money in the account go up and down, it's hard to get a little better, but it falls back again, which is really frustrating.

Just like during this period, the market rebounded, and everyone just felt a little hopeful, but it fell back again, which was really speechless. Many people began to get anxious, worried that the market would fall sharply and their accounts would shrink, so they started to sell at a loss.

So, it is particularly important to judge the trend at this time. Only when you know whether the market will go up or down next, you will have a bottom line in your heart and will not be frightened by the fluctuations in front of you.

Will Ethereum fall sharply? Let's take a look. From the disk, Ethereum has been running above the long-term rising trend line. It's like a runway, and Ethereum is running steadily on it.

Moreover, since October 2023, the highs and lows of the market have been rising continuously, and the amplitude of the callback is not large. This shows that the bullish power in the market is still very strong.

Let's take a look at the shock range in the past month. When it falls, the volume can be reduced, and the lower shadow of the Yin line is also very long. This shows that there are many people buying below, and the market has support.

So, I think the big drop that many people expect is unlikely to happen. The market is now accumulating strength and waiting for the next outbreak.

In this process, the main force is actually playing psychological warfare. They want to make those who don’t understand the market unable to bear it and then cut their losses and leave.They will also release various news to match the emotions of retail investors.

But we have to be smart and not be fooled by these news. When the market is ready to start again, we have to seize the opportunity. Don't wait until the market picks up and then regret not getting on the train.

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The bull market is coming. If you don't know how to operate and are still confused, please like and follow, and check the homepage introduction! This round of bull market will explode more hundred-fold coins. Next, I will announce the next ten-fold coin password during the Bitcoin halving period on - Junyang-! It's better to grasp it than to guess blindly!