We're starting to see increased interest in RGB and #CKB in the #Bitcoin community. This is because, among all L2s, CKB provides:

- maximum flexibility due to its abstraction and VM agnostic

- greatest potential for a variety of applications and technology stacks, publishing new assets and applications on Bitcoin, all via isomorphic binding (RGB) via users' existing Bitcoin wallets and keys

- Closest fit to #Satoshi 's values ​​(POW+UTXO) while keeping full nodes lightweight and accessible to all users

- A mature platform with robust tools, having been on mainnet for over 4 years

$CKB , #CELL Unlocks the full potential of the modular #BTC # Layer2 blockchain launch platform BitcoinUTXO Stack developed by the Studio team has successfully completed its seed funding round!

➕ #RGB++ provides Turing-full smart contract capabilities to Btc L1 assets; CELL studio is committed to strengthening the Bitcoin ecosystem estimated price $$CKB 0.32