Real world assets (RWA) is a term frequently used in the cryptocurrency market. RWA generally refers to traditional financial assets (gold, stocks, bonds, etc.). RWA can include financial contracts as well as tangible and physical assets.

RWA Types

RWAs are generally divided into two main categories: tangible and financial assets:

Tangible Assets: Physical assets such as real estate, land, machinery equipment are considered tangible RWAs.

Financial Contracts: Financial contracts such as commercial loans, mortgages, and bonds are also included in RWAs.

Importance of RWAs

RWAs play an important role in the cryptocurrency market. RWAs, which enable the integration of traditional assets in addition to crypto assets into blockchains, are important assets for turning blockchains into a broad financial infrastructure.

Thanks to RWAs, users can access various financial markets through blockchain applications.

In particular, decentralized finance (Defi) platforms aim to create more complex economic structures and provide comprehensive financial services with borrowing and lending services through RWA products.

As a result, RWAs are considered key assets for the large-scale integration of blockchains and thus the cryptocurrency ecosystem. #RWATokens #rwaklay #RWAklay #klaygold #Goldklay $KLAY