Title: "Technical Analysis of Sefepal/USD in 1W: Impact of the AMD Breakout"😆💦🌼❤🍿🍿

Subtitle: "Exploring Price Movements and Future Prospects"😆🌼❤🍿

Introduction: This technical analysis focuses on the movement of Sefepal/USD in a weekly timeframe, highlighting the impact of an AMD breakout on the market. We look at how this breakout propelled the candle, leading to a correction towards the Fibonacci zone from 0.382 to 0.681. Our analysis looks at the implications of this correction and the prospects for a bullish recovery, aiming to reach the next major target: the 1,272 expansion bar.💥🌕💦🌼❤🍿

Summary: The AMD breakout was a key moment for Sefepal/USD, propelling prices towards the Fibonacci zone. Investors are closely monitoring signs of bullish recovery, with an ambitious target of crossing the 1.272 expansion mark.#Sefepal#USD#Analysis#Technique#AMD#Fibonacci#Bar#Expansion1272💥💦😆❤❤