Let's talk about this topic again.


1. You hold a large position in a coin

2. Take the long-term

3. You have held it for several months, and it has been pulled back and forth

4. Your long-term strategy is to double the capital

5. It has risen several times before and then fell back, and now it has risen by 30% again

Under these premises, what is your strategy at this time?

1. Stick to the long-term strategy, double the capital and then take it out? Then can you hold it if it continues to fall back later?

2. Now you have a profit of 30% and you have taken out the principal? Then you did not stick to your initial long-term strategy and played it short-term?

If you play like this, maybe your total position in this bull market will not be able to eat a few 30%? Or you will find that you are still losing money in the end?

3. Take profits in batches, how to take profits in batches?

Long-term is really not that simple. It is not that you just buy a few coins and hold them. Some coins will be very lame throughout the bull market.

Many people bought awesome coins, but didn't hold on to them and sold them for many times the price. Some sold them before they took off. The dealer has countless ways to wash you out.

Have you thought about these questions carefully before you prepare to take the long-term? If you don't think clearly, you will overturn your previous strategy countless times in the middle, and finally find that you didn't make much money.

So what strategy is best for long-term play? How to stick to this strategy without changing it? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss~~~~#长线 #牛市布局

I am Caishen, a veteran in the currency circle, and I only tell the truth. Want to get started in the currency circle quickly? Follow me, contact me on the homepage, and provide you with real advice for free to help you move forward steadily and create brilliance together!