⚠️Important Update ⚠️#Bitcoinis currently in an uptrend 📈 According to the charts, it could reach $71,000 in the next two days. If it reaches $71,000, it may continue to rise to between $73,000 and $78,000. However, a drop is expected 4 to 7 days before BTC halving. This is because historical data shows that there is usually a drop of around 5% to 23% 4 to 7 days before the halving date.

Will Bitcoin History Repeat? 🩸🩸🩸🩸

✈️November 28, 2012 (1st halving)✈️

🔽24 - 28 November ~ 5% decrease🩸

✈️9 July 2016 (2nd halving)✈️

🔽July 3 - 9 ~14% drop🩸

✈️May 11, 2020 (3rd halving)✈️

🔽 ~23% decrease between 8 - 11 May🩸