New retail investors! The secret to success in the cryptocurrency world: only hoarding coins and 100x coins!

In the field of digital currency, the real winners are not those who trade frequently, but those who hoard coins carefully and for a long time. The key to your success is not the short-term price fluctuations in the market, but the number of coins you hold and the currency you choose.

1. The wisdom of hoarding coins

If you want to successfully hoard coins in the cryptocurrency world, there are three core principles that must be followed:

1. Rational investment: use idle funds for investment, rather than betting everything on one bet. When the market does not meet expectations or encounters funding needs, avoid being forced to sell due to financial pressure.

2. Value investment: In-depth understanding of the core concept, technical foundation and future potential of the project. This includes trust in the founding team, the innovativeness of the technology and the actual application prospects of the project.

3. Stable mentality: Stay calm and patient in the face of price fluctuations. The key is whether you still have enough coins in your hands when the true value of the project is revealed.

2. The power of consensus

In the field of digital currency, consensus is crucial. It is not just the recognition of a certain project, but also the process in which speculators are eliminated and true believers and consensus holders are left behind in multiple market fluctuations.

The success of Bitcoin and Ethereum is the best example. They have experienced years of market fluctuations, but finally won broad consensus and gained huge value.

The necessary mentality for playing coins:

1. Do not be surprised by ups and downs, and have a calm mind.

2. Do not complain about the market, and do not dwell on short-term gains and losses.

3. Have a big picture and long-term vision. Do not blindly chase the rise, nor panic sell.

4. Buy at low prices and hold firmly.

5. Maintain compound interest thinking and invest steadily.

6. When the bull market comes, you will get the return you deserve. Actively spread the value of blockchain and digital currency.

In the field of blockchain and digital currency, if you want to achieve real success, you can't be too concerned about short-term gains and losses. This is a process of great waves washing away the sand. Only by continuous learning, maintaining faith, and making progress together with other like-minded partners can we truly achieve wealth growth.

On the road of digital currency, fighting alone is lonely.We welcome all people with lofty ideals to join our community, learn together, make progress together, welcome the upcoming bull market together, and use our unity and faith to create a better future together.

Joining conditions: real players.

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