Every cycle, a small percentage of cryptocurrencies survive.

Your meme coins are eventually going to go to zero, and that's just facts. Every cycle, a small percentage of cryptocurrencies survive.

Five, ten years ago, if you go look at the cryptocurrencies that were here, even those cryptocurrencies that were not meme coins that had real-world utility, even those cryptos did not survive.

Crypto is survival of the fittest. Not every crypto can be a crypto that survives every bull run.

The first reminder I have for all of you guys is, if you're making a ton of money off dogs, frogs, cats, or election-based meme coins, you have cryptocurrencies called Trump or Biden or Nancy Pelosi.

I don't even know. Jerome Powell? You have all these different weird types of cryptocurrencies coming out, and everybody says, Oh, Og, Og, Og, do I buy Trump? Do I buy Joe Biden? Do you really think that long-term.

these cryptocurrencies are going to survive long enough before any legal action actually gets taken place? Like, seriously, ask yourself.

Like, any cryptocurrency that gets listed out for Elon, even, eventually, like, it goes to zero.

If you are able to make your money, get in and get out, and take a good amount of profit, and survive the survival of the fittest for the meme coins or these new cryptos that are coming out, and also, one more thing is, if a new low-cap gem gets listed towards the top of the bull run we're in right now,

Oh, Og, how do you know this is the top of the bull run?

I'm not saying that this is the top of the bull run. I'm saying that as of everything that's happening right now, if you go look at the chart, we are at the top.

And if you think that these new cryptocurrencies are just getting listed, I mean, where were they in the bear market? Why are they all listing in the bull run? Think about it.

Everybody who's making a new project in the bull run right now is because they want to make money.

They're like, Oh, yeah, this is it. Like, this is our time to shine. Let's make a new crypto. Get to marketing.

We have a couple hundred thousand dollars. Hire some people to talk about our project. Get in, get out, peace out. That's how it works.

That's why 99% of the new crypto projects that come out in the bull run, they are nowhere to be found next season.

And I say seasons because crypto comes in seasons.

So as always about financial advice, follow like and comment.

If you guys want to know what I'm buying and selling every single day, you know where to find me. Live streams every single day as well.

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