$BTC 4.7 Bitcoin price today: Bitcoin has been fluctuating in the range for 24 days. After the fluctuation ends, Bitcoin will continue to rise. The current focus is on how the fluctuation will end. The current rise has not formed a trend, and Bitcoin is expected to continue to fluctuate.

Two possible forms of fluctuations are: one is a triangular oscillation structure, that is, the price rises without breaking through the upper trend line and then retreats; the other is to break through the low point of wave a and probe to the range of 62,000 to 63,000.

At present, it is impossible to determine which structure is more likely. The only way to exclude it is to break through the upper trend line or break through the current low point. The final result of these two structures is an upward breakthrough. In the current fluctuation range, if you try to arrange a long order, it is recommended to be low, and at the same time, you need to defend against the point of breaking through.

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