Why can't you hold on to your orders? You run away when the price goes up a little, and then it goes up

The reason is that you are too obsessed with the fantasy of the past, and always regard what you once had as inevitable wealth. You often regret that if you didn't sell it at the beginning, you would have made a lot of money now.

However, you ignore the essence of investment-it is full of uncertainty and risk. How can you ensure that you can hold it until now if you don't sell it at the beginning? The market changes unpredictably, and new opportunities will emerge after selling it. How can you predict it?

Just like a friend of mine, he hurriedly sold the sol he bought last year when it rose slightly. Now he can't help but feel regretful when he sees its price soaring several times. But even if he didn't sell it at the time, he might still choose to sell it out of greed or fear when sol doubles. Because those seemingly within reach wealth is actually not what you can really control.

To move forward steadily in the investment market, you must have a deep understanding of the market dynamics and the evolution of the product cycle. Only when you have enough cognition and wisdom can you see the true meaning of the market and seize those opportunities that truly belong to you.

Remember, everyone can only make money within the scope of their own cognition. Therefore, constantly improving your cognition and ability is the key to your road to wealth.

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