I was introduced to crypto by friends back in 2017-2018, but I didn't pay attention, or I didn't have money so I don't remember it clearly.

And I entered the market from the beginning to the middle of last year (2023). At that time, everything was quite cheap, I bought BTC for somewhere around 20~22k. At that time, it was just FOMO, I didn't find out anything. I bought some and left it there, and since Tet, I've been coming back to look at it more often and learn more about it.

A few weeks ago, accidentally surfing Square there was a post, now I can't find it anymore, the main idea was: "Should I buy ETH for more than 3k?" In that post, it was said that to answer that question, imagine going back to 2020 and see if you bought ETH for more than $200? And let's fast forward to 2028 and think about why I didn't buy ETH for ~3k in 2024.

After reading that article, I was "awakened" and my desire to invest in crypto was stronger than ever.

Because time passes, the market fluctuates but you will definitely make a profit from these coins.

I only buy BTC, ETH, BNB occasionally to trade for fun for $50-100 with meme coin.

I have no experience, this is not investment advice, just a sharing for those who are new to the market like me. Wish you all the best of luck! 😘


