Today, Zhang Junyao wants to share with you the experience of a stock investor who went from losing tens of millions to making millions of dollars. Let’s see how he overcame this investment problem!

First, let's analyze the root cause of this problem. If you can't hold on to your coins when they go up, and hold on to them when they go down, the most direct and general reason is actually the lack of judgment on the market. Many people have limited analysis when buying coins, and they are more likely to rely on hearsay and luck, and lack a deep understanding of the fundamentals and technical aspects of the market.

Secondly, if the currency price rises and cannot be held back, it is often a form of speculation. Although there is no problem in leaving the market in time when there is a short-term profit, once the currency price does not rise but falls, it is easy to turn the short-term into a long-term, resulting in increased losses. See if you are like this: open major financial websites every morning, add a dozen analysts, and look at the operation suggestions of Jin, Zhang San, and Li Si. Zhang San is bullish and Li Si is bearish. Today If you make a mistake in following Zhang San's suggestion and switch to Li Si, your suggestion to Li Si tomorrow will be wrong, and you will start to hesitate the day after tomorrow. There are only two consequences of hesitation, one is wrong, the other is missing out! That's right, there is no problem if you follow the teacher to place an order. The problem is that you need to know why for every order you place. You don’t even know why you make money? Wouldn’t it be even more confusing when you lose money? Again, what others have is not as good as what you have. When doing transactions, you must understand why each order is placed, why you make money, and how to deal with losses? How to make amends instead of praying that the price will go down when the loss is half a point away! The moon waxes and wanes, and the market waxes and wanes. The reasons behind this are actually fluctuations and cycles. Professional ability determines the starting point, and the way of thinking determines the speed of advancement. Zhang Junyao and his team carefully study market trends every day, and use K-line patterns, moving average systems, and technical auxiliary indicators to find out a set of market trends and predict future market trends. Here I hope that I can help investors in the area where I am best at it. If you encounter problems in investment, you only need to add teacher Zhang Junyao's V (Junyao from Weibo to find the currency circle), send your questions to me, and I will research the most reasonable solution for you.

In addition to their own reasons, retail investors are often at a disadvantage when competing with institutions and major players, which is also an important factor leading to investment losses.

So, how to overcome these problems? First of all, we need to strengthen ourselves and improve our professional level. Through learning and practice, we can enhance investment knowledge and skills and improve our ability to judge individual stocks. Or we can seek help from professionals. A good analyst can bring you not only financial income, but also more professional knowledge.

Secondly, it is also important to adjust your psychological quality. Staying calm and rational, and not being swayed by market fluctuations, is the key to a sound investment. It means not being happy with profits and sad with losses. You should control your emotions regardless of profits, keep a calm mind, and find the reasons for profits and losses.

There is also stop loss: Investors can read Jun Yao’s previous articles. The issue of stop loss is emphasized every once in a while. Whether you follow Jun Yao to make orders or do your own research, I want to tell you that during the transaction, don’t fantasize that it will rise or fall. As long as you can stop loss, you can be a long-termist and you will make money sooner or later. If you choose not to stop loss, once the position is blown up, the principal will be gone. When you see a good opportunity, you can only be a spectator. You will faint in the toilet and have no strength to trade. Gambling in the market is not something that can be defeated by a little technology. I have relied on experience and market sense technology for so many years, and you must have a good mentality. First of all, you have to defeat yourself, which requires knowledge, technology and understanding. A successful investor must complete several steps, enter the market, understand the market, know the market, adapt to the market, and control the market.

Finally, it is equally important to clarify your investment goals and choose an investment method that suits you. Rationally control your investment funds and positions to avoid blindly following the trend and over-trading.

In fact, every weekend is an extension of the cooling-off period, allowing you to better face new opportunities and challenges after a break. Real profits come from sobriety, and the biggest floating losses come from recklessness. Some people always hold low shorts when the market is rising, and hold high longs when the market is falling. It is normal to have gains and losses in trading, but they always do not set stop losses every time, expecting an accident to happen, and expecting to be rescued frequently. This is like the probability of being struck by lightning. Don't make too many excuses for the losses caused by your own losses in gold speculation. Think clearly before entering the market every time, where are your stop losses and target positions, how to deal with accidents, and when to leave when you make a profit. Think clearly before entering the market.

Why do others make money while I keep losing money? What is the reason? 30% analysis, 70% operation, no matter how accurate it is, it is still not good execution. Good investment requires not only correct market analysis, but also scientific risk management. Correct psychological control. Among these three, psychological control is the most important, followed by risk management, and then analytical skills. However, more than 90% of the investment friends who are in contact with the currency circle think that analysis is the most important, and do not know the importance of risk management at all, let alone the extreme importance of psychological control, just as the saying goes, "Attitude determines everything."

If you are a trend trader, you must not close too many positions too early before the trend changes. This is to maximize the profit. As a trader, you must control your desires. The trading market is a market that magnifies human weaknesses by N times. Once a trader cannot control his desires, it is only a matter of time before he becomes obsessed. He may be able to make short-term huge profits, but he will return them to the market one day. Trading is like being a human being. People with bad intentions cannot survive in the market for a long time.

The purpose of trading is to make a profit. Any transaction that is not for the purpose of profit is using your own money to buy other people's smiles. It is better to wait for a day for a transaction than to rush for a second for a profit. A pair of eyes that can only see profits but not risks will eventually be trapped. The market does not allow risk-taking, but it must be attacked at the right time. When the direction is right, you are entangled in the problem of the entry point that is a millimeter away, which means that you are a person who is greedy for small profits. When the transaction reaches the profit target and it is time to exit, you think about greater profits, which means that you are a greedy person. Therefore, people who are greedy for small profits and greedy cannot do a good job in trading, which means that mentality is the key to the problem. The signal is given by the market, and the mouse is indeed clicked by yourself. Don't ignore the market signal because of a little selfishness. This is the selfless mentality in trading. This is a state, a kind of cultivation, and a guarantee of profit. Visionaries can see trends, while those who are short-sighted can only see small profits. There is no order with 100% accuracy, but we must implement 100% principles. If we make a mistake, we must strictly stop loss. If we do it right, we must protect our capital or move the stop loss to expand our profits. This is the profit and loss ratio! ! Say goodbye to the habit of luck, indecision, looking around, picking and choosing orders, running away when you win small, and holding on to big losses. In fact, everyone understands the truth. These are just common phenomena in human nature, which are generally difficult to change. Therefore, it is destined that only a small number of people can implement the iron principles to reap profits. I hope to give some inspiration to friends who are still confused and at a loss and don’t know how to make profits. I also hope that I can make progress together with everyone.

As an investor, first of all, you need to have an understanding of the market trend. Secondly, when you trade with the trend, you also need a corresponding set of quantitative trading models and trading tools. If you have the market trend and a quantitative trading model, you can actually limit your random speculation. Because if there is no model signal, you can't operate, and the model signal will definitely not be available every day. Therefore, every investor must first establish a set of theories and trading models for trend trading. You can also summarize some regular characteristics by yourself, and enter the market when a certain situation occurs. This solves the problem of market understanding and entry.

There may still be some traders in the cryptocurrency market who enter the market with the idea of ​​getting rich overnight, but most of those who have this idea are eventually smoothed out by the market. Trading is about stability rather than rapid growth. It's like rock climbing. If you climb fast, you may fall down at any time. If you climb steadily to the top, it's safe and effortless. Trading is like this. It comes fast and goes faster. You may also lose everything at any time.

When we are in a long-term loss period, the more anxious we are, the more money we will lose, because we want to get our money back too much. Most people have no technical and trading strategy system at all, and they trade based on their feelings and other people's opinions, which is impossible to gain a foothold.

Investment is accompanied by risks. Many friends often ask me why others can make money by speculating in cryptocurrencies but I can’t. Many friends who have found Zhang Junyao know that there is a certain capital threshold to join my real warehouse. Maybe you think the threshold is too high, but it’s not that Xu Xin’s threshold is too high. The height you reach determines how much profit you make. Let’s take a very simple example. For a profitable order, if you do it with a normal position, the profit is relatively objective, and the risk prevention and control can also be controlled within a good range. However, if your position is too small, you will be very passive in making risky orders. If the market changes a little bit, you will suffer losses. And if you make a profit, the profit is not enough for you to recover the huge losses before. Therefore, the threshold is not to make it difficult for you, but to maximize your interests in gold while doing a good job of risk control.

Zhang Junyao's message: If you have just entered the market, come to Junyao, Junyao will teach you how to operate while learning; if you are already in it and not satisfied, you can come to me, I will help you and will not let you make the same mistake again; if your position is stuck, I will make a reasonable solution based on your entry point. Because everyone's stuck point is different, the solution methods will also be different, some are suitable for conservative people and some are suitable for aggressive people. However, Junyao cannot give a perfect answer here, Junyao suggests that you bring your order. As long as you find Junyao, I will use the most appropriate method to solve your problem and assist you to get out of the market.

Finally, Zhang Junyao sincerely hopes that the Bollinger Bands will protect your investment journey like an airbag, and the moving average system will guide you like Beidou navigation, allowing you to move freely in the ever-changing market. I wish you smooth sailing on your investment journey and a fruitful harvest!!!