#halving2024 Is becoming a crypto millionaire difficult or easy?

If you are new and look at the weekly or monthly time frame you will see wow making money is so easy, riches await. Just buy 2015 sell 2017, buy 2019 sell 2011 and buy 2022 sell 2024 and we will have a large amount of money without having to do anything.

But when we look at the daily candlestick frame, we will see that the price will fluctuate greatly and so will everyone's psychology. We can see it easily because we see what has already happened, but when we have to go through it and slowly gnaw at our minds. If you understand every day, you will understand why more than 90% of investors lose money.

While capital management is very important, psychological management is sometimes even more important because otherwise, when psychology fluctuates strongly, we will forget what we need to do to maintain capital and position.