Analysis and sharing of ETH market trend on April 6

ETH just ushered in another wave of callbacks around 8 pm. It rebounded to above 3300 after reaching the lowest point of 3208. From the daily line, the three lines of KDJ entered the bottom and prepared to move upward. The MACD fast and slow lines turned upward under the 0 axis, and the green energy column continued to shrink. From the four-hour level, the K line broke through the BOLL middle track and closed above to stabilize. It can be seen that the subsequent market is still dominated by long positions. Real-time guidance: btc0931#ETH🔥🔥🔥 #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥

ETH operation suggestions: long positions around 3290-3320, target 3390-3420, risk control: 3260

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