Is everyone okay today? Does the plan I offer help you to some extent avoid account decline?

Now I have negative 3 bets, I didn't call you but I got stopped loss. Specifically, 3 bets FTM - AAVE - LINA with a total negative of 180% - 3 orders with a total of 9%, which is negative about 5%.

This morning I called ae Long all Market mini Vol and saved about 2% but overall still lost 3%.

I have limited transactions as much as possible so it's only negative 5%, otherwise I think it would be negative 15-20% if it was a normal day.

Today, I think there are probably a lot of people who are negative and burning, right? There are a few people who confided in me because they are now on fire. Actually, this market is very difficult and not easy, so controlling your psychology and greed is mostly okay. But for those who are new, it's almost impossible to avoid this problem.

I'm here just to encourage you guys, try to maintain it, it's better than being impatient. I will upload the Lowcap x2-x5 and Plan 2025 odds for you and have 1-2 Live sessions to share your psychology when trading.

Cheer up, tomorrow the sky will be brighter again.

Restricting transactions tonight has big news. Good luck
