• Saga is a Layer 1 protocol that allows developers to automatically create virtual machine-autonomous, parallelized, interoperable dedicated chains, or “Chains,” that provide applications with infinite horizontal scalability.

  • $SAGA is the native utility token of the Saga protocol, which is used in the following functions:

    • Chainlet Payments: Developers pay $SAGA tokens to network validators to instantiate their chainlets and keep them running.

    • Staking: Players who stake help secure the network and receive #Saga $ tokens and project tokens based on the Saga protocol as rewards.

    • Governance: $SAGA token holders will be able to vote on network governance decisions.

  • The Saga protocol is a fully decentralized proof-of-stake chain. Each chain has the same set of validators and security model as the Saga mainnet.

  • Each chain has the following features:

    • Infinite horizontal scalability: All chains are parallelized appchain instances, allowing applications to flexibly scale to maximum performance and responsiveness.

    • Free transactions and low and predictable network fees: Developers can choose any monetization model they like, including a native token (or no token at all), fiat currency, stable coin, or even another ecosystem token. All on-chain fees are set by a daily reverse auction among validators, which drives up the price of goods for blockspace.

    • Automation: Developers can start the chain with the click of a button in the Saga web app.

    • Interoperability and Fast Composition: Users can freely and quickly transfer assets between networks, as well as Saga and other ecosystems, using automatic interoperability and asynchronous composition. Since each chain allows for fast transaction completion, users can also take advantage of fast connections to other chains.

    • Fully flexible stack: Developers use their own dedicated stacks for optimal flexibility and customizability.

  • Saga has raised $15 million to date. Investors include Placeholder, Maven11, Longhash, Samsung, Com2uS, Polygon, Merit Circle, Figment and Chorus One.

As of April 4, 2024, the total supply of $SAGA is 1,000,000,000,000. The total number of tokens in circulation will be approximately 90,000,000 (9% of the total token supply) on TGE.

Key Indicators (as of April 4, 2024)

Token name


Token type

Native Cosmos token

Initial turnover. Delivery upon listing on Binance

90,000,000 (9% of total shipments)

Total and maximum supply of tokens


Binance Starter Pool Distribution

45,000,000 (4.5% of total supply)

Binance Launchpool launch date

April 5, 2024

1. What is a saga?

  • Saga is a Layer 1 protocol that allows developers to automatically create virtual machine-autonomous, parallelized, interoperable dedicated chains, or “Chains,” that provide applications with infinite horizontal scalability.

  • Saga allows developers to launch chains with the click of a button thanks to shared security, an advanced validator management system, and an automated CI/CD deployment pipeline standardized for any type of virtual machine on the blockchain.

  • In less than 2 years, Saga has grown from 0 to 350 projects based on its protocol, 80% of which are gaming. Saga has also partnered with Polygon, Avalanche, MarbleX, Com2uS and Celestia to automatically scale their infrastructure using chains.

1.1 Project mission

  • Saga's mission is to create the next 1,000 gaming and entertainment networks within the growing Saga Multiverse.

1.2 Value proposition

  • Mass adoption of blockchain is inevitable, and developers need a core infrastructure that is infinitely scalable, interoperable, and cost-effective to support consumer applications.

  • By allowing developers to create dedicated blockchain space on demand that elastically scales to meet performance needs, opens up fast connections to other ecosystems, and is priced at the commodity level, Saga provides the E2E infrastructure developers need to build next-generation applications on the blockchain.

1.3 Key points of the project

1.4 Existing products

  • The Saga protocol is a completely decentralized proof-of-stake chain. Each chain is an exact copy of the Saga mainnet with the same set of validators and security model.

  • Each chain has the following features:

    • Infinite horizontal scalability: All chains are parallelized appchain instances, allowing applications to flexibly scale to maximum performance and responsiveness.

    • Free transactions and low and predictable network fees: Developers can choose any monetization model they like, including a native token (or no token at all), fiat currency, stable coin, or even another ecosystem token. All on-chain fees are set by a daily reverse auction among validators, which drives up the price of goods for blockspace.

    • Automation: Developers can start the chain with the click of a button in the Saga web app.

    • Interoperability and Fast Composition: Users can freely and quickly transfer assets between networks, as well as Saga and other ecosystems, using automatic interoperability and asynchronous composition. Since each chain allows for fast transaction completion, users can also take advantage of fast connections to other chains.

    • Fully flexible stack: Developers use their own dedicated stacks for optimal flexibility and customizability.

  • The Saga blockchain space is a way in which block space other than the blockchain stack can be automated using the Saga protocol. Saga Realms allows developers to run custom chains on Saga with different features and services, such as technology stack, security origin, and different obligations for those origins. As part of Realms, the standard Saga Chainlet is one of many that will be supported in the near future, including Saga partners at #Ethereum (Ethlets), Polygon, Avalanche, Celestia, XPLA and many more. and the following architectural components necessary for implementation in all other Spheres.

1.5 Technical details

Автоматически генерируемая схема компьютерного описания

Saga uses shared security to automate the creation of fully decentralized proof-of-stake chains. Each Saga chain is protected by Saga mainnet validators using shared security.

Saga's overall security is similar to native recovery in the sense that a single staked asset is reused to secure multiple chains. The chain can be configured to use different virtual machines (eg EVM, SolanaVM, MoveVM). Each chain has a dedicated virtual machine that has been deployed on a separate chain. EVM is the first virtual machine supported by Saga Chainlets. Saga allows developers to manually “break” various workflows into multiple chains to enhance horizontal scaling. Because all chains communicate with each other, a developer can have multiple chains supporting the same application, allowing for infinite horizontal scalability.

2. Token sales and economics

Token distribution

Token name


Binance Starting Pool

4.50% of the total token supply

Ecosystem and development

30.00% of the total token supply

Airborne assaults

15.50% of the total token supply

Stock reserve

10.00% of the total token supply

Main participants

20.00% of the total token supply


20.00% of the total token supply

Token distribution

Token release schedule

Note: The ecosystem, development and fund reserve will continue to open after April 2031. About 6.1% of the initial total reserves are reserved for potential future fundraising activities.

3. Roadmap and updates

Stages completed

Date of completion

Important milestone

2022: Third quarter

Andromeda Alphanet

2023: First quarter

Cassiopeia Test Network

2023: Fourth quarter

Pegasus Incentivized Test Network

2024: Second quarter

Main network

Current roadmap

  • Mainnet launch in 2024

    • Main network, phase 1

    • Mainnet Phase 2: Basic cross-chain verification enabled

    • Mainnet Phase 3: Chains begin to inherit security from the platform chain

    • Mainnet Phases 4 and 5: Security chain validators will begin securing the platform chain

    • Mainnet Phase 6: Saga V1 Protocol Complete

  • Progress in commerce and business development

    • As of April 1, 2024, the Saga Innovator program consists of 350 projects, 80% of which are gaming. About 10% of projects are NFTs and entertainment, and 10% are DeFi. The full list of Innovators can be found here.

    • Saga also partners with the following Layer 1 protocols to scale its infrastructure using chains:

      • Polygon. Saga automates polygon CDK chains

      • Avalanche. Saga automates avalanche subnets

      • Celestia. Saga will automate decentralized rollups with Celestia DA

      • MarbleX. Saga will provide scaling infrastructure for the MarbleX network

      • Com2uS. Saga will provide scaling infrastructure for the Com2uS network

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