[Binance 51st IPO] #SAGA2

🌟SAGA Introduction

Saga is a layer 1 protocol that allows developers to automatically launch parallel and interoperable private chains that can be elastically scaled according to their Web3 application needs. Using shared security, advanced validator orchestration, and an automated deployment pipeline standardized across any type of blockchain virtual machine

Saga makes launching a private chain or chainlet as simple as deploying a smart contract. Its features include: easy to deploy, affordable and fast/scalable

📌Token IntroductionToken Name:

Saga (SAGA)

Maximum Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 SAGA

Initial Circulation: 90,000,000 SAGA (9% of the maximum token supply)

Total Mining: 45,000,000 SAGA (4.5% of the maximum token supply)

Smart Contract Details: Saga Security Chainlaunchpool


KYC requiredPersonal Hourly MiningHard Cap BNB Pool: 37,500 SAGAFDUSD Pool: 9,375 SAGA Mining Pool: BNB Mining Pool (the website will be updated within five hours of this announcement before the mining activity opens): A total of 36,000,000 SAGA (80%) can be mined

FDUSD Mining Pool (the website will be updated within five hours of this announcement before the mining activity opens): A total of 9,000,000 SAGA can be mined SAGA (20%)

Mining time: 08:00 on April 5, 2024 to 07:59 on April 9, 2024, GMT+8

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