Why? Have you ever suffered a loss in this regard? Yes, I never trade in a callback market.

Specifically, I never follow up short orders when the market is bullish, and I never follow up long orders when the market rebounds. Why? On the one hand, it is related to my futures philosophy of never making small profits. Because the amplitude of the callback is generally not too large. On the other hand, I don't want orders that are contrary to the general trend to affect my thinking and shake my judgment. Because, since I have made an order, I definitely hope that the market will develop more in your direction.

For example, if the general trend is bullish, you follow up with a short order when the market is pulled back. At this time, you definitely hope that the market will develop downward with greater force, which is common sense. Even if you encounter a support price, you hope that it can break through and continue to develop downward. At this time, your hope is contrary to your judgment of the general trend. You like to hear and see signs of a decline in the market. Is your judgment of the general trend shaken?

Facts have proved that there are many people who are caught in the market because they cannot jump out in time to seize the rebound. It can be said that they are "losing the big for the small". I have not suffered losses in this regard, but I have seen countless people suffer losses, so I have learned a lesson. Fortunately, I have observed for several months before I made the order.

Yes, the futures market is a two-way street, you can make money whether it goes up or down. But you can also lose money both ways! I have seen more examples of losing money both ways. Futures are about winning by probability. I don't want to join the ranks of double losses, but I can give up the wisdom of win-win, which is a low-key mentality. Some people see that I have been doing long orders in a long-term market, always looking for support to go long, and laugh at me for not being able to go short; or always looking for resistance to go short, and laugh at me for not being able to go long. I smiled and didn't answer. How could they know that I have my own considerations? My personality likes simplicity and clarity, which is not suitable for me to do. I don't object to what others do.