- In the first 3 hours of opening the crowdfunding they managed to close 120,000 euros

- Previously they closed a first round of financing of 170,000 euros, with the help of investors such as Iese, Esade, Castiventures and Bcombinator, which they complemented with a loan of 130,000 euros from the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (Enisa)

Madrid, April 2024.- hello.app; Spanish company that has created the first decentralized and open source data storage software (controlled by the users themselves) in the world, has opened a crowdfunding of 300,000 euros, with the possibility of expansion, to complement the financing round of 2 million euros launched at the beginning of this year 2024. They previously closed a first round of financing of 170,000 euros, with the help of investors such as Iese, Esade, Castiventures and Bcombinator, which they complemented with a loan of 130,000 euros from the European Union Agency to Cybersecurity (Enisa).

The crowdfunding operation, which in the first three hours since its opening has already reached the sum of 120,000 euros, is available on the Seedrs platform and requires a minimum investment of 1,000 euros.

To date, and in just three months, hello.app already has more than 160,000 users and the platform (the first app in the world that pays its users to give up storage space on their personal devices) has experienced a growth of 2,500 %.

The first alternative to data control by large corporations comes from a young 19-year-old entrepreneur

Founded by the young Catalan entrepreneur Álvaro Pintado Santaularia (19 years old), and according to the company itself, hello.app aspires to become the next Spanish unicorn, obtaining a valuation of 1,000 million euros in 2027. Its unique value proposition It is based on addressing the limitations of traditional Web2 storage solutions and positioning itself as a Web3 alternative to popular centralized cloud giants like Dropbox or Google.

By allowing users (companies and individuals) to maintain ownership of their data and offering them financial compensation in exchange for storage space for their

mobile devices, hello.app, has developed a pioneering (there is nothing like it) and transparent value proposition for data storage, which puts the user at the center

giving you full control over your data, while providing greater security and privacy, as it is a decentralized system.

In the words of Álvaro Pintado, CEO of hello.app; “In a short time, computers like our phones, iPads or laptops will be able to replace large centralized server farms with distributed storage, which means, on the one hand, that those who own these farms will become increasingly expendable, and, on the other hand, another, that whoever manages to build that first decentralized and collaborative computing and storage network based on the devices we already have, will be unstoppable.”

About hello.app

hello.app is a Spanish company that has created the first decentralized Web3 and open source data storage software (controlled by the users themselves) in the world and offers financial compensation in exchange for giving up storage space on personal mobile devices. (phones, tablets, etc.). The project seeks to revolutionize and democratize the way data is stored worldwide, which would mean the reinvention of the Internet as we know it.

Founded by young entrepreneurs Álvaro Pintado Santaularia (19 years old) and Alexander Baikalov (20 years old), its unique value proposition is based on addressing the limitations of traditional Web2 storage solutions and positioning itself as Web3's decentralized alternative to the popular centralized cloud giants like Dropbox or Google.

By allowing users (companies and individuals) to maintain ownership of their data and offering them financial compensation in exchange for storage space on their mobile devices, hello.app has developed a pioneering value proposition (there is nothing like it in the world) and transparent for data storage, which puts the user at the center giving them full control over their data, while providing greater security and privacy (being a decentralized system).

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