If you want to make big money in the investment market, you have to work hard to learn the skill of holding chips. No matter whether you have the ability to study indexes or choose trading objects, the real skill that can really make you money is how to hold chips.

You seem to have a lot of burdens on your mind and spirit, and are too sensitive to the short-term ups and downs of the capital market. In fact, there are many subjective stereotypes in your mind that you have accepted without careful consideration and practice.

The key to holding trading chips in the long term is to be honest with yourself, work hard to eliminate those trading obstacles deep in your soul, and finally open yourself up and liberate yourself. What are your psychological barriers? The most difficult skill - self-control

Successful traders always have two eyes open, one looking at the market and the other always looking at themselves. At any time, your biggest enemy is yourself. Calibrating yourself is always more important than observing the market.

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Work hard on controlling yourself! The importance of psychological control and behavioral control cannot be overemphasized. As long as you can pass this level, you are half the battle. If you can't do this, it will be useless no matter how well you do the other parts.

To be successful, you must first have the ability to control your own behavior. If you cannot do this, no one can help you. It is impossible to take this last half step.

A question of knowing and doing. Let me put it more seriously: in fact, it is still a half-understood reason. Ignorance means acting fearlessly; half-knowledge makes it difficult to act; true knowledge (trying to be as integrated with the market as possible and understand the market from one's own perspective) makes it easy to act.


The inability to hold orders, from a market perspective, is caused by a poor understanding of the detailed fluctuations in the development process of market trends. If the development of the intermediate trend is all under my "control", then what's left to lose?

When the market is favorable, you must learn to get used to making profits. This is an important sign that distinguishes whether a trader is mature. Suppose your cost is 8 yuan and the market price is now 80 yuan, but it is still lower than its own value. Will you hold it firmly? Many traders are anxious when making profits, but not when losing money. With peace of mind, how can we make long-term and stable profits?

Work hard to control yourself! The fear of losing money often makes people violate their principles. The specific manifestations are frequent stop losses and frequent transactions. The pursuit of doing things right is more important than always thinking about making money and losing money!