The road of cryptocurrency trading is long and difficult. After experiencing ups and downs, I have summarized seven experiences:


When the price of a coin rises, every pullback is an opportunity to increase your position; it is impossible for a coin to rise without falling, and the pullback is for a higher leap.


When a downward trend is determined, a rebound is an opportunity to reduce your position; once the trend worsens, it may take half a year to recover.


In the short term, look at emotions and fundamentals, and in the long term, look at the increase determined by fundamentals.


The bottom is often not the point judged by humans, but the result of the combined effect of emotions and funds. Blindly buying the bottom is easy to be trapped.


Don't rely too much on good news. The market is a game of expectations. News often passes through many hands. When you know it, the market may end.


Avoid high leverage. It will not increase the winning rate, but the loss will be magnified and increase the risk.


Sometimes, do the opposite.

I hope these advice can help everyone succeed in the cryptocurrency circle. I wish you all a lot of money and a good life!