$IOTX patterns are nested, how will the market go in the future? Can it be 10 times? Where is the target?

Previously, $IOTX reached the upward trend line and supported the stop-fall, and the pattern showed the convergence of the triangle relay, and then the market released various news to cooperate with marketing

It has begun to gradually break through this convergence area, and only needs to wait for the current daily K-line to close to preliminarily determine the bullish trend

Explain this convergence pattern: Generally, it is an excessive market after a trend market, and the pattern of the long and short K-lines will gradually shorten, which means that the differences in prices are constantly decreasing

When this pattern is broken, it is when one of the parties is eliminated. At this time, if a K-line with volume appears and closes steadily, it means that the initial consensus of the market has been reached

And the other technical indicators at the current daily K cycle level are also coordinated, and it is quite healthy. It can be foreseen that the marketing plan cooperates with the market making. The first target of this wave is the previous K The previous high of the line (0.09-0.1) is very promising

I will continue to follow up at that time, because 0.09-0.1 is also a nested resistance. Today, I popularized the use of support and resistance for a day: in a trending market, resistance can be used as a reference point for long orders to stop profit, and then break through to continue to make breakthrough orders

IOTX is an old project, and it has gone through two cycles in the market, but the rise of #Depin赛道 in this cycle is expected to make these old projects stir up waves again

And what's even more outrageous is that these projects that have experienced two rounds of bull and bear cycles can actually raise funds: market news says that the ecosystem has raised 50 million, and this money is used to promote the development of the Depin track in the IOTX market

In the past, I always thought that the concept of the Internet of Things was quite abstract. I didn't expect that this round of the market could take advantage of the momentum of Depin to take off

#IOTX物联网+AI #热门话题