⚠️UPDATE #MaverickProtocol $MAV #MAV 📈 #BullishOutlook📈

🤔 Rationale:

🔥 Elimination heat map:

▶️Magnetic Zone: A concentration of liquidation levels in a certain price range can indicate that price is likely to move towards that zone.

⚠️ On-chain analysis

🔸 Capital flows: decreased from -10,264.00 MAV in the last 7 days to -1,497,274.00 MAV, indicating a downward trend. The significant increase in negative capital flows, moving from -10,264.00 MAV to -1,497,274.00 MAV over the past week, suggests strong bearish sentiment that contrasts with the observed uptrend in the MAV price, indicating potential upcoming price volatility or an upcoming correction.

▶️Global entry/exit of money * Shows all addresses where ⭐️ASSETS are currently stored.

▶️Bulls and Bears

Bull: The address that purchased more than 1% of the trading volume in the last 24 hours. Bear: an address that has traded more than 1% of its trading volume in the last 24 hours.

▶️Influx of large holders↗️🟩

▶️24hr Large Inflow  ↗️🟩

📈Technical characteristics:

🔸 The RSI is trend neutral, suggesting stable market sentiment that is in line with the current rising price trend, indicating sustained buying interest without immediate concerns about overbought conditions.

⚠️Comment   Next. Unlock MAV 9.19M (0.46% of Total Supply) $6.23M (3.69% of Market Cap) April 28, 2024