The Bitcoin halving is getting closer, with only 16 days left. From the highest point of 73777 to 60775, it has fallen by nearly 19%, which is much milder than the 63% drop before the halving 20 years ago. History always repeats itself, but it will not repeat itself. There are still many differences between this round of bull market and the previous one.

The weekly level has been falling since the opening this week. It can be seen from the market that the weekly line is still fluctuating around 60700-73000. The probability of not breaking new highs or new lows before halving is still very high. It is difficult for the daily level to effectively fall below the previous low of 60000. If the release of non-agricultural and unemployment data on Friday is positive, BTC will usher in a big counterattack.

The 4-hour level is effectively supported by the 200-day moving average. For reference, the previous two times bottomed out at the 200-day moving average, and then started to rebound sharply. In operation, pay attention to the position of 63000. If it does not break, continue to hold. Once it falls below 63000, 60000 will be the last line of defense. No matter what, the halving is coming. What is there to be afraid of? The trend is greater than everything. Only long-term value investment can Get your share of wealth!

We recommend spot products, mainly for medium and long-term positions, and rarely recommend contracts. First of all, we must make it clear:

1. Short-term contracts seem to make money, but in fact not many make money in the end.

2. Contracts amplify price fluctuations and also amplify your emotional fluctuations. The vast majority of people who open contracts cannot hold on to bigger profits when they make money, cannot help but cut their losses when they are trapped, and cannot control their hands when they go bankrupt.

3. Looking at the enlarged time period, the mid- and long-term trend returns will not be lower than the contract returns.

4. Divide your funds into three parts, buy the three mid-term coins we recommend, and then wait a month, one of them will always double, and the other two will make relatively less money.

Someone asked if BigTime is available for purchase?

Don’t panic when it comes to spot goods, be brave enough to buy if you dare to fall.

(Figure 1) From the daily line, we can see that we have now reached the lower edge of the large range oscillation, which is a relatively good buying area. You can buy on dips. Relatively speaking, the cost-effectiveness of buying at this position is relatively high.

(Figure 2) Judging from the hourly downward trend line, this round of downward angle has begun to slow down, which is also a good sign.

Currently, it is pulling back at the 30-minute level within 1 hour, and it will continue to bottom out. As to whether this position is the bottom, we need to wait until it comes out to know.


As a hot currency in the sports sector of Fan Coin

(Figure 1) The weekly level trend is that there is a certain amount of increase and an infinite amount of decrease.

(Figure 2) The daily trend is one that looks back three times in a row. Currently, it needs to return to the support level of the 1-day line for temporary adjustments.

In this kind of trend, the main force can pull and wash the market at the same time, and the subsequent explosion will be stronger, that is, when the main rising wave comes, it will be stronger, but before the main rising wave comes, it will be more annoying. This is also a currency that we strongly recommend. You must have a mid-term position before May.

Buying position: 7-6.56-6.05

Stop profit: Stop profit in batches above 11.4

ONDO pullback is an opportunity, you can invest in some in batches, a coin that Wall Street capital is the dealer of! The fundamentals are really strong, support 0.71, 0.67

LIT will have good news about destruction in a few days. In terms of trend, the eight-hour level began to rebound and rise at the support line. The last time the support line rebounded to 1.94, it is not excessive to rebound to 2 this time!

PIXEL: Pixel stopped falling when it reached around 0.6 and did not fall further. We need to observe for a few days. If it stabilizes and falls below that, we can start short-term trading.

JTO: The trend of JTO in the past few days is still relatively strong, and there is no sign of the main force fleeing. The trend is still bullish. A strong coin like JTO is suitable for small buying when the price drops slightly, and large buying when the price drops sharply.

SUI: Looking at the daily line of sui, either this wave is almost done with the correction, or there will be a final drop, but the downward space is limited, so be patient and wait for another rise.

AVAX: Avax suggested yesterday that you can add to your position at 40-45. The lowest it will fall back to is around 45. If it can still come down to the 40-45 range in the future, you can boldly add to your position.

Wealth code:

Fan coin section

During the European Cup in June, fancoins were already ready to move. The last big collective push for fancoins was in 2022. Most tokens increased 5-10 times in less than a month, and they were still in a bear market. Now is the bull market, market sentiment is high, and you can grab a lot of money that you can definitely eat at once.

Ethereum, L2 and ETH staking

I am very optimistic about the performance of Ethereum in April. I have always mentioned it before. The exchange rate of Ethereum to Bitcoin is still at the bottom. The BTC ecology and the Sol sector have been hyped before. The eth system has not yet taken off. Don’t think that Ethereum is rubbish now. When you get up, you say you are awesome.

A fact about the currency circle:

The reason why people with small capital have difficulty making money is not because of insufficient capital, but because of impatience and greed caused by insufficient capital.

Thinking that the principal is small, they frequently operate short-term and try to compound interest in a short period of time, but they often stop losses or get trapped, making small profits and big losses, and the principal becomes less and less.

Or they are eager to succeed, open high-leverage contracts at will, fantasize about getting rich overnight, and end up with heavy losses.

Impatience and greed are the fundamental reasons for the failure of most retail investors.

Finally, there are still many things that are not written down, such as specific opportunities and specific decisions. These things are often not something that can be summarized in one article.

Create a high-quality circle, mainly to explain the basic industry knowledge of the currency circle, the recommendation of market potential coins and altcoins! The rotation of hot sectors, the basic methods of identifying tops and bottoms, how to better grasp this bull market, and a series of other knowledge. If you are interested, you can find me on the homepage.