A person who can swim only knows how to swim. A person who knows how to swim can really appreciate swimming. You can’t make plans with someone who talks too much, and you can’t stay with someone who moves too much. It’s better to stay still than to be impulsive in transactions! Hello everyone, I’m Liang Qiu.

In the contract market, with the development of digital currency, there is a competition among many players. In this market, no one can say that the trend is set. Before entering the market, if one's heart is in turmoil and one's warehouse is in a mess, especially the large capital groups acting as special forces, without reasonable risk control, they are destined to be the first target of the market's dog dealers and fall into it.

If you hadn't insisted on having your own way on the contract, how could you have come to this?

When playing contracts, rationality is very important. I believe most analysts have said that you should not hesitate to place an order, and you should not hesitate to place an order. If you overcome the mentality of greed and fear, you will definitely go further! No one can laugh at a single profit, and sometimes a small loss is not a problem. The subjective mentality determines the outcome of long and short positions.

When playing contracts, the second thing is the position: a good position is the most important thing to control risk. Of course, the size of the funds does not depend on whether you can afford it, but whether the risk avoidance is reasonable; many people lose money on the previous order, and then go all in on the next order. This is how the market works. There are too many ignorant fools. The market is about following the trend. Once the position breaks, a small loss is a big win. If you blindly go all in on one side, unless you are Jesus, you can turn a loss into a profit.

When playing contracts, the definition of stop loss: the so-called stop loss, especially when operating perpetual contracts, long and short games, many people regard it as a kind of inertia, and it doesn’t matter if you set a point, it will come down in a while, but you will be panicked by your ruthless unilateral move. Lao Liang said that stop loss is a habit of eating. When you are ready to enter the market, please be sure to bring stop loss with you. It is so convenient, so what qualifications do you have to be indecisive!

When playing contracts, stop-profit is also very important: stop-profit is often the best weapon for profit in the process of long-short convection. Just like the leading coins in the past two days, they rose and fell sharply. The last second, the stop-profit was at the door, and the next second, the waterfall hit. In the end, the market was gone and it was hard to prevent being stuck in a difficult situation. For all short-term and medium-term operators, if you want to be steady, Lao Liang recommends that taking a stop-profit is often the best choice. After all, this thing is not like a stock.

If you hadn't insisted on having your own way on the contract, how could you have come to this?

When playing with contracts, avoid frequent trading: This is especially important when playing with perpetual contracts, because too many people enjoy the pleasure of leveraging profits, but cannot accept the heart-wrenching pain of chasing ups and downs. Be cautious when entering the market. If there is no market, frequent entry is just a risk.

The most important thing when playing contracts is mentality: many investors nowadays often have problems with their mentality. Once the market goes against the wind, they do not use stop loss and are afraid of being trapped. This is often the worst disadvantage. Another is to blindly follow orders and frequently cover positions. In the end, the dealer harvests all the long and short roller coasters, and they are speechless and sad.

In this bloody contract market, the fluctuation of the market is unknown, but the fluctuation is a fact that exists whether you trade or not. Sometimes, we always hear a lot of complaints: talking about the market and ourselves. Lao Liang needs to tell you that it is meaningless to complain about the market and blame yourself for the past. The market will still run the same the next day. The way to eradicate it lies in ourselves, which is the only way to reduce complaints.

Well, that's all for today. Don't be arrogant when taking profits, and don't deny when stopping losses. The post is timely. The current market is good. Friends who can't control the rhythm can consult more. More strategies are based on real-time guidance.#新币挖矿 #BTC #ETH