1. 100x Potential Coin Screening Strategy:

The fundamentals are excellent, leading style, and non-hot sectors will not be touched;

The story is well woven, the ecology is sustainable, and those who give up halfway should not be disturbed;

If the market capitalization is moderate, if it is too large, the growth will be limited.

2. Three iron laws for long-term layout of altcoins:

Stay away from stocks with huge market capitalization that have exploded, as they are likely to fade away;

Don’t even think about touching someone with a small market value and no story. It’s sheer naivety to imagine becoming a dark horse;

Those with outdated concepts will be blocked directly. The currency circle loves new things, and those who are outdated will not get close to them.

3. The Bitcoin halving is coming soon. Which altcoins can take off 10-100 times?

①ARB, the pride of L2 track:

The total amount is 1.027 billion, and the peak valuation is close to 160 billion;

TVL stands out from the crowd, with L2 track data reaching the top, popular native protocols shining brightly, handling fees reduced, and the ecosystem extremely prosperous;

The risk is low and the returns are considerable;

According to the method of valuation, according to the public chain method, ARB, as the top L2, accounts for 10% of Ethereum, and its valuation may reach 160 billion at the peak of the bull market in 2025.

②OP, the dark horse on the L2 track:

The total amount is 4.3 billion, and the peak valuation is directly in the 90 billion area;

TVL ranks among the best, the ecosystem is booming, coinbase’s 2-layer network is favored, and the future is bright;

The risk is low and the return is considerable;

According to the valuation prediction, according to the public chain method, OP, as the top L2, occupies 60% of Ethereum, and the valuation at the peak of the bull market in 2025 may reach 96 billion.

③LDO, leading the LSD track:

The total amount is 1.4 billion, and the peak valuation is 10 billion. No need to ask more, you have a unique vision;

Reasons for leadership:

  1. He is the dominant player on the LSD track, and all others are followers. The ETH pledge rate is bound to rise, and the LDO market is extremely predatory and will surely dominate.

  2. The risk is moderate and the return is high.

  3. Regarding the valuation debate, isn’t it reasonable for the leader to occupy 30% of Ethereum’s market value at the peak of the bull market? 1600x0.03=48 billion, if you calculate it at half, wouldn’t 10 billion be fair?

④BLUR, the shining star of the NFT track:

The total amount is 3 billion, and the peak valuation is 30 billion;

Brilliant reasons:

  1. The dark horse of the NFT sector, with the highest trading volume, the NFT market is surging, and the scale is expected to reach 100 billion in 2025. BLUR has a two-pronged approach of trading and lending, and the future is bound to be brilliant.

  2. The risks are moderate and the returns are substantial.

  3. Valuation analysis: Opensea’s valuation exceeded 13 billion in the past, and BLUR is even better now. At the peak of the bull market, it was valued at 30 billion, which is well deserved.

⑤FXS, a leader in the DEFI track:

The total amount is 421 million, and the peak valuation is locked in the 10 billion range;

Reasons for excellence:

  1. It covers everything from exchanges to stablecoins, and is also involved in the LSD track. All sectors have demonstrated outstanding strength.

  2. The risk is moderate and the return is high.

  3. Valuation analysis shows that the stablecoin and LSD tracks are both popular among the leaders in the stable track. Giving FXS a valuation of 10 billion is well deserved.

⑥AR, the leader in storage:

The total amount is 129 million, and the peak valuation has reached 10 billion;

Reasons for excellence:

  1. The runner-up in the storage sector has abundant liquidity and scarce bargaining chips in the later period. The 2021 bull market has been excellent and business is booming.

  2. The risk is moderate and the return is high.

  3. Valuation analysis: FIL’s market value has exceeded 50 billion in 2021, and AR has been valued at 10 billion. Isn’t it reasonable?

⑦WLD, a rising star in the Web3+AI track:

The total amount is 154 million, and the peak valuation has won the glory of 3 billion;

Reasons why it's a new star:

  1. The great work of the founder of OpenAI, ChatGPT is popular all over the world, how can WLD be left behind? May digital currency be integrated into daily life, this vision is so grand! Based on innovative technology and market positioning, WLD has a promising future.

  2. The risks are moderate and the returns are substantial.

⑧RNDR, a giant in the AI ​​track:

The total amount is 646 million, and the peak valuation is close to 30-50 billion;

Giant reason:

  1. The leader in the global distributed GPU computing and 3D market, giants such as Google and Microsoft have joined, and all partners are industry leaders. The construction of the second-layer network improves the usage scenarios and frequency, with low fees and fast confirmation speed. In the future, the demand for GPU computing power will surge, and the RNDR network will become the key to the solution. The demand for RNDR tokens will also soar, and the valuation prospects are broad.

  2. The risk is high, but the returns are also considerable

Top price? Huh, that's just a numbers game, if you can make money, that's the way to go! Buying the lowest price? Oops, the lower the price, the more attractive it is. At 0.25-0.5 US dollars, this price is a great opportunity to pick up missing items!

Reasons to be optimistic? STG leads the way in cross-chain technology and has solved the long-standing impossible triangle problem. In the coming multi-chain universe era, cross-chain demands are springing up like mushrooms after a rain, and STG is the leader in this urgent need. Its price is affordable and the cost for early investors is extremely low, which is undoubtedly good news for investors.

Risks? Of course there are medium to high risks, but with them come equally attractive medium to high returns. In the world of investment, if you dare to take a risk, you may be able to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle!

Valuation? Looking to the future, giants will surely emerge in the cross-chain sector. As the leading project in this field, STG’s valuation reaching 10 billion in the next bull market is by no means excessive.

13. Game public chain track: WEMIX

Although the total amount is 132 million, its peak valuation cannot be underestimated, approaching 10-30 billion.

Reasons to be optimistic? WEMIX is backed by WEMADE, a gaming giant, with rich IP resources and a huge user base. When traditional game companies transform into blockchain, their traffic advantages are self-evident. Although it has encountered market setbacks in the past, the company's senior management has actively responded, and the token model of the new game is also more open and transparent, providing investors with more confidence.

risk? It is true that the risk of this project is medium to high, but it is accompanied by equally impressive investment returns. For risk-taking investors, this may be an opportunity worth taking a chance on.

Valuation? Games are the next hot trend in the blockchain field, and the valuations of top game public chains are naturally rising. It is expected that WEMIX's valuation will reach the range of 10-30 billion in the future bull market. We will take the midpoint, which is 20 billion.

14. DEFI protocol track: CNC

The total amount is only 5.91 million, but its peak valuation is as high as 3 billion, which is eye-catching.

Why is it good? As a liquidity solution for CRV, CNC has a strong market demand. It is affordable, has a small market value, and is scarce in total, making it a great investment value. CRV, CVX, and CNC work together to promote the prosperity and development of the ecosystem and bring rich returns to investors.

risk? The risk of this project is also medium to high, but high risks are often accompanied by high returns. For investors pursuing high returns, CNC is undoubtedly a target worthy of attention.

Valuation? Considering CRV’s market position as the second largest DEX, its valuation in the next bull market is expected to reach 30 billion. As its important liquidity protocol, CNC is undoubtedly reasonable to obtain 10% of its valuation, that is, 3 billion.

15. Privacy public chain track: FRA

The total amount is 4.23 million, but its peak valuation cannot be underestimated and is expected to reach 2 billion.

Why is it good? FRA was created by a team of top Stanford scholars, with strong financial strength and leading technology. Its dual-architecture model performs well in terms of integration and privacy, solving the contradiction between regulation and privacy, and providing strong support for traditional finance to enter WEB3. The current market value of FRA is underestimated, which is a good time for investors to buy at the bottom.

risk? This project has higher risks, but high returns often come with high risks. For investors who dare to take risks, FRA may bring unexpected returns.

Valuation? Looking to the future, the privacy public chain track will become a popular sector in the blockchain field. It is expected that FRA will rank among the TOP200 in the next bull market, and it is not impossible for its valuation to reach 2 billion.

16. Privacy public chain track: SCRT

The total amount is 51.42 million, but its peak valuation is as high as 5 billion, which is eye-catching.

Why is it good? As one of the first privacy-supporting smart contract platforms, SCRT has great market potential. In the WEB3 application and DEFI fields, the importance of privacy protection is becoming increasingly prominent, and SCRT is a leader in this field. Its Jewish project background has brought it strong community cohesion and innovation capabilities. Looking forward to the future, SCRT is expected to become one of the leaders in the privacy public chain sector.

Risk? The project is also high risk, but high risk is often accompanied by high returns. For investors seeking high returns, SCRT is undoubtedly a target worth paying attention to.

Valuation? The privacy public chain sector will become one of the popular sectors in the next bull market. SCRT is expected to be among the TOP100 in this sector, and its valuation reaching 5 billion is not impossible.

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