What is it and how did it come about?

The Solana white paper was published in November 2017. The team behind the project was and still is led by Anatoly Yakovenko. The testing phase began in 2018 and ended with the ICO the following year. An initial offering raised 20 million, spent to finalize the project and debut on major cryptocurrency exchanges. In 2021, the price of Solana rose from almost $3, to the ATH of $260, becoming one of the most popular cryptocurrencies among DeFi users and enthusiasts.

The Solana protocol is designed to facilitate the creation of decentralized applications, also known as Dapps. The goal is to improve the scalability of blockchain technology through an innovative consensus system for transactions. The platform uses Proof-of-Stake, but integrates it with Proof-of-History, a mechanism that orders transactions more efficiently. Like Ethereum, Solana also allows the development of smart contracts, but at a lower cost. Possible applications range from NFTs and DeFi transactions to entertainment and gaming. For all these reasons, many people are constantly wondering whether to buy Solana (SOL).#SolanaPriceSurge #Solanaseason #SOLPriceAnalysis $BTC $USDC