Since 2012, 48 burglaries have been recorded. The most common way of stealing assets from #exchanges was hacking of hot #wallets.

Here are the top 3 cryptocurrency theft cases:

#Mt.GOX : Mt.Gox was one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world until its collapse in 2014. The exchange reported the theft of more than 850,000 bitcoins, which was about 7% of the total Bitcoin volume at the time.

#Bitfinex : In 2016, Bitfinex, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, reported the theft of over 120,000 bitcoins. The value of the stolen funds at that time was about 72 million US dollars. The exchange has implemented security measures and developed a repayment plan to compensate its users for losses.

#Coincheck : In January 2018, Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck reported the theft of more than 500 million units of the NEM (XEM) cryptocurrency, worth around $530 million at the time.