The plunge on April 2 is coming, can you still buy the bottom?

Wright has rebounded strongly. If the position is too large, reduce it. If it falls, make up for it.

DOGE plummeted, and the positions that were covered by the rebound were reduced.

WIF4.2 is the key pressure level. If you cannot stand firmly, you have to step back to 3.7.

YGG is expected to have a minimum of 1.38. If it does not break below, there is a high probability of a big rebound.

BOME 0.155 0.145 is the support level

It’s not a big problem if JUP1.45 doesn’t break, there will still be a rebound

JTO 4 is fine if it doesn’t break, but it plummets if it breaks.

1433401881#BTC#meme section#YGG#WIF